Here are a few simple tools and mechanisms you can use to ensure BIBs are assigned correctly.
Start Lists
Print out/Go through start lists before Races, i.e. during Race Briefing. This ensures that athletes are starting where they should be, in the correct division and with the correct BIB.
Status Line
On page ‘Event – Race Management Page’ there is a Status Line. It shows whether all athletes have assigned BIBs for both the selected Race and the current Race day.
Status all good:

Now suppose that a new Team has been entered without a BIB via the ‘Registration Table‘:

Status not so good:

Now it’s essential to go and assign a BIB to this Team.
The summary table of all Races
Find it at ‘Event – Timing and Tracking.’
The numbers of athletes in the left column, OK / Total should be the same, not different and red:

Details about this page are discussed in ‘Event – Results – Timing and Tracking.’
Athletes swapped BIBs
In some cases two athletes accidentally swap their BIBs and then start the race. Don’t worry about this situation. It can be handled with with ‘Event – Results – Athlete Swapping.’