On this page you will manage everything to do with Start Numbers (BIBs)
You can configure BIBs allocation at any time before the Race. It is customary to publish BIBs to start lists via ‘Start List and Settings – Display BIBs in Start Lists,’ after you assign them.
Depending on the type and size of the Race, a few things concerning Waves and Start numbers must be clarified:
- How many waves are there in every Race
- What start numbers will be used for every wave, division, gender?
- Do we need to store some VIP start numbers for VIP athletes?
Those questions will clarify the procedure that needs to be followed. Once everything is set up, the system will automatically assign athletes to the correct waves with the correct BIBs.
The first wizard step deals with VIP numbers for your VIP athletes, because this should be done before any automatic BIBs assignment in step two.

Bib reserve for Elite:
Here you can specify the range of BIBs that should be reserved for Elite athletes.
Using the ‘Add to VIPs’ function you can add athletes to the VIP group and then manually assign them a BIB.
One VIP athlete ‘Vojtech Horak’ has been found and BÍB No 10 was manually assigned to him.